Swinging at the park!

Swinging at the park!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not much to report.

Life has been pretty lazy lately. Basically I get up, I eat, Mama and I play, I eat, I nap, more play, more eating, bath time, hair combing, teeth brushing, bed time. Bed time... it's been a little rough lately. I'm getting what I'm told are my last two teeth. It's hard to sleep when you are in agonizing pain. I usually ask Mom and Dad if I can stay up and play, just till my gums stop hurting. They have yet to agree. One of them will pick me up and say, "Bid so-and-so adieu!" So I figured, if I don't bid them adieu, then the day isn't over and it's not bedtime... makes sense, right? Well, it makes sense to me. They don't play by the right rules.

Christmas was awesome!! Just. Awesome. I knew what was coming. I knew that once I woke up it was time for presents. I had been told so. I woke up when it was still dark out, I was so excited! I booked it out of the bedroom and found all sorts of toys under the tree. A fire engine and a stroller for Violet and a See and Say and a mandarin! And crayons and these things you stick in the bath that changes the color of the bath water and clothes and DVDS-- Veggie Tales The Wizard of Has and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. So much good stuff! There was ham and potatoes and green beans and I got to sit at the table like a big girl! I even used my fork. :)

Today was a good day too. Daddy got me up because Mommy had to go to the doctor (sooooo glad she didn't take me with her. Last time I went to the doctor I had blood drawn.). He always gives me pancakes when he's the one who feeds me in the morning. As always, they were good. We just hung out in our jammies and robes today. It was fun. Mom dressed me when she got home, but she let me choose my outfit so it wasn't all bad. I chose my pink Blondie t-shirt and my gray leisure pants. She put my hair in a pony tail instead of my usual pig tails, which was a pleasant surprise. She and I had fun when Daddy went to work. We colored, we read a couple books, we ate apple slices and cheese for a snack (classy, huh?), played with Violet, and then had a bath with purple water. Not a bad day if I say so myself.

Not much excitement here but life is still good.

Until next time! :)

Pisel out.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One whole month!!

I can't believe it's been a month since I last sat down to write! A month of changes!

I'll start with the most important one-- I learned that petting Ben the Kitty and smacking Ben the Kitty is not the same thing. He appreciates it. I've gotten very good at giving him love.

Mommy was impressed when I told her I pooed. Freak. Who gets excited over that? I just wanted a fresh diaper. But whatever, I got a high five out of it. Score!

And... CHRISTMAS!!! Oh. My. Word. Have you experienced anything this awesome ever? Ever?? There's a giant tree in the living room. Whaaaaat? And all kinds of toys underneath it! Or there were. Mommy went to the bathroom and while she was there... I made my move. I found that their wrappings were flimsy and easily torn open. And inside? Oh, such wonderful toys. They made the best noises! One was a fire engine! A fire engine!! With fire engine noises!! Mommy was not too happy when she came out but she let me keep the paper and bows. She put my toys in Dada's office. Every once and I while I can slip in there and honk the fire engine's horn, but it's not as often as I'd like.

As for Mama and Dada, well, they're doing okay. I got Dada an ipod! I got to pick the color and everything. I unwrapped it for him (again, displeasing Mama). She let him keep it. What. The. Heck. Why didn't his have to go hide in the office with mine?? Sometimes, I just do not understand that woman. Mama is getting a big belly. She tells me that's where the baby is. Sometimes, I think she's losing it. I worry about her.

And now, I bid you adieu. It's bed time!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday errands!

Daddy and I decided to surprise Mommy with pancakes today! She LOVED it. We woke her up by bringing them in to her. I was in charge of carrying the napkin because Daddy didn't want me spilling the plate over (insulting, but whatever.). We all ate pancakes in Mom and Dad's bed, it was so fun! I loved it! I'm still not allowed to have syrup so my pancakes were served with raspberries, but that's okay-- I don't like using silverware and Mommy would be mad if I had syrup-y hands in her bed. It was just a great start to the day-- watching Daddy make pancakes and then surprising Mommy in bed with them. :)

All the Pisels went grocery shopping today. And, if I do say so myself, I was sooooooo good. No screaming to walk instead of ride in the cart, no grabbing things off the shelves. I mean, I did inspect everything I could reach that was already IN the cart, but as a member of this household and one who will be eating the food, I had a right to, yes? I don't love grocery shopping but it sure is more fun when Daddy's there! Mommy did find me this really cool cheese that comes in fun shapes, but Daddy's stole the show. He found some good bargains that I wholly approved of. I high fived him and voiced a solid, "Yeah! Dada!!" when he found a particularly inexpensive brand of coffee. The people in the aisle were impressed with his find too, I think, because they laughed and cheered after I did.

After that we all went home and ate some lunch. They had sandwiches or something, I don't really know because they didn't share. I, however, had my special cheese, some turkey, and kale chips. Yum! (Auntie Annie, I am telling you about my vegetables. I will do this more often now, okay?) Then... okay, yeah, I was cranky. It was nap time. So I slept for two hours and had a lot more energy than the parentals expected.

We read, we played with blocks, we (Daddy and I) jammed a little on the guitar. I had boiled carrots and toast points for dinner. Boring. We read some more. Mommy forced me to snuggle on the couch for twenty minutes after she saw something sad on TV. And then jammies and time for bed.

So that was my day. It was awesome. :) I hope yours was too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day!!

I haven't posted in a while. Mostly, because my life is very boring. I get up, I eat, I play, I nap, I find a private place to poo and then let Mommy know it's time to be changed, I eat some more, I play some more, and so on and so forth. My days have kind of been a blur lately.

Eating lunch today. Yum.
Daddy had the day off today so we went out to eat. He wanted a free meal at Applebees but there was a line going out the door so we hit up McDonald's-- Daddy got a McRib, Mommy got a grilled chicken sandwich, and I got a cheeseburger. Luckily, Mommy doesn't feel well and Daddy and I got to share her sandwich. It was good.

It has been pretty rainy lately so I've spent most of my time indoors. Mommy and I read a lot, and I like that, but I wish she didn't have her "five-times-and-then-wait-twenty-minutes" rule. I could read Babies on the Move all day every day. I don't get why she isn't as into it as I am! Oh well, I still get to read it with her upwards of twenty times a day :)

I spend a lot of my time climbing. I pride myself in my ability to climb anything. Mommy says it's "terrifying" and "the worst thing ever to watch" but I don't really care. Climbing is fun-- chairs, tables, book cases. Just fun. And jumping down from somewhere high? What a rush! There is nothing better than climbing something high, leaping off, and climbing it all over again. Really. You should try it. But not in front of your mom because it will probably freak her out.

Ben is still my best buddy. He's getting better about not running away when I try to hug him either. Today he let me snuggle him for a good ten minutes! It. Was. Awesome.

Oh. My teeth are still coming in. Ouch. I just want the pain to stop. Sigh. I'm told it will be over soon... but it seems I'm told a lot of things lately.

But worry not, dear readers. Although I haven't been posting as much I am as happy and awesome as ever. I will make an effort to post more. AUNTIE. ANNIE. This one's looking at you.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Man, have I been busy lately! Grandpa John came up over Halloween weekend for a visit and got Daddy a new, noisy guitar! I have a lot of fun jamming with Daddy. 

Halloween was great! I only went to a couple houses but I got to greet the other trick or treaters when they came to our door. Mom was worried people would be afraid to come get our candy with there being a guard lion at the door but we had a lot of visitors! I hugged the ones with the best costumes. What can I say, I'm a sucker for my animal brethren.

Today was AWESOME. A nice lady came by to see how smart I am. Answer? Crazy smart. Advanced in fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, AND social skills. My name is Sophie and I am a super genius. After she left I had a snack and then I drew a few pictures for Mom and Dad. That was fun but Mommy teased me for getting ink on my face. I don't really care what she thinks, I feel pretty.

And now, it's nap time for both me and Mommy. Until next time!

Pisel out

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pedicures! And goose eggs :(

Pretty, right??

I got my first pedicure yesterday. My toesies are a brilliant red! Mommy said I was being very good. I sat there patiently while she painted them and I even helped her blow them dry. I was so excited to show them off when Daddy got home,  he was very impressed. He said my feet were beautiful! Mommy shared a popsicle with me while we were waiting for my toes to dry. Awesome, awesome afternoon.

Today started out really well. Up at 8:00 sharp, breakfast of pancakes and raspberries, followed by a couple of readings of my favorite book. I was playing with Ben, chasing him around the house, having a ball-- when I tripped on the rug in the dining room and slammed my face on the bench. Oh man did that hurt. I bawled for a good five minutes. And I'm not talking to Ben right now. I have a big lump on my forehead now. Mommy painted my fingernails to match my toes after that, and it really did distract me. I feel so pretty now, even with my new lumpy face. I wish the fall didn't bother me as much as it did, but I've been pretty cranky ever since. Mommy got me a jr. cheeseburger for lunch, which also perked me up. She also made me eat carrots, but that's okay. I like those too. 

And tonight we're going to the haunted forest here on base, which will be really fun! I'm going to wear my costume! And then tomorrow, Grandpa John gets here! Looking forward to a fun Halloween weekend. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pillow fighting!!!...!!!!!!

Daddy got off work early yesterday so we all got to hang out before I had to go to bed. He read me my favorite book(--here it is in case you wanted to pick it up for yourself. I highly recommend it.-- http://www.amazon.com/Babies-Emergent-Readers-Susan-Canizares/dp/0439045568/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1288206986&sr=1-1 --) and didn't even complain when I asked him to read it to me a couple more times. We played guitar together. Daddy called it "jamming"... whatever it was, it was fun! 

Jamming with Daddy

Pancakes and fruit for dinner, yum! A good long sleep and I was once again ready to face the world :)

What did I do today? Well, I woke up about 5:30 in desperate need of a snack. Daddy was up already and getting dressed for work, I guess, because he brought me some warm milk and kissed me good bye. I was still pretty awake so I kept calling for Mommy and FINALLY, about 6:15 she came in. She was obviously sleepy so I just played with the toys in my room while she "rested her eyes" on my floor. She made me go back to bed at 7:00. But that's okay, I was kind of sleepy again. We were officially up at 8:45 and had a delicious breakfast of raspberries, bananas, and apples. And then...

Mommy and I had a pillow fight!!! She won, but I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. I can't believe we'd never done this before! I've been trying to instigate another one. Hopefully Daddy will be game when he gets off work!

Well, lunch will be soon, and that is always followed by a nap. Until next time! Pisel out